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CHC Top 10

05.                                                                            One of the core values of China Horse Club is in
                                                                               fulf illing its corporate social responsibility. Last
  Chinese Jockey Qin Yong                                                      year, farmers across New South Wales experienced
  Continues Meteoric Rise                                                      the worst bushfires in a decade, resulting in losses
                                                                               and rising costs. As a key player in Australia’s racing
  覃勇持续刷新中国骑师胜绩                                                                 industry and part of the NSW community, CHC
                                                                               extended its support to those affected by pledging
    Qin Yong, the star jockey from Enshi in Hubei                              to donate the prize money won by CHC’s colt,
    province, has contributed his own flair to Australia                       Neutrality, in the G3 San Domenico Stakes at Royal
    while penning a new chapter in Australian racing.                          Randwick to the Buy a Bale campaign run by the
    Supported by the CHC China Dream Project, Qin                              charity Rural Aid. Neutrality did not disappoint as
    Yong has undergone 10 months of training at a                              he put in a game effort to finish runner-up.
    racing academy in Australia, and passed 21 barrier
    trial rides to successfully qualify as an international                        履行 企 业社 会 责 任 为C H C杰士马主俱 乐部 的四大 理 念 之
    apprentice jockey. After his first Australian winning                          一。去年,因干旱的天气导致澳大利亚 新南威尔士州的农
    race in April 2018, he acquired 28 subsequent wins                             牧民遭 遇了当地有史以来最大的旱灾,影响了收成并增加
    including the significant ride with St Gallen in CHC                           饲养成 本。澳 大 利亚 是 C H C 的国际赛 马重 地 之一,C H C也
    silks. Amidst his successes, Qin Yong has also helped                          是新南威尔士社区的一员,共同应 对的社会责任意识,让
    to improve the global image of China’s jockeys                                 C H C义 无 反 顾 地 决 定 把 旗 下 赛 马“中立”出征 皇 家 兰 域 赛
    through his confident personality and fluent English.                          马场圣多明尼哥锦标三级赛的奖金全数捐予由Rural Aid

     来自湖北恩施的中国骑师覃勇正在赛马发达国家澳大利亚                                06.发起的“Buy a Bale”慈善项目。带着满满爱心及祝福而跑
     书 写中国 骑 师 的 新篇 章。在 经 过 专 业 骑 师 学 校 长 达 10 个月
     训 练 并通 过 严 格 考 核 及 2 1场 试 闸 之 后,覃 勇取 得了国 际 骑                                  的“中立”,在是次比赛中不负众望赢得了亚军。
     师 资 格。2 0 18 年 初 赢得 首 胜 后,他已 经 完 成了2 8 场 胜 利,
     其中身着C H C红黄 五 星 彩 衣 策 骑 C H C 赛 马“圣 加仑”夺冠                            Running For Charity
     的场景更成为“CH C杰士马主中国梦计划”的经典时刻。
     不断的胜利结合自信从容的个人风格以 及流 利的英语,覃                                                            为慈善而跑
                                                             Neutrality 赛马“中立”
14 MAjestic
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