大陆赛马网 > 新闻 > 大陆新闻 > 马术比赛中的马怎么运到主办城市?关于


2021-08-05 11:58:29 来源:中国日报网

Curious how dressage horses are transported overseas. Obviously a plane, but like ... how?很好奇盛装舞步比赛的赛马是如何被运到海外的。当然通过飞机,但是怎么做到的呢?

Horses are loaded in two per stall. They fly with a staff of vets and groomers who, among other things, try to make sure they stay calm. Stallions travel at the front of the plane so that they're not distracted by the mares. And just like people, they need passports.每个隔间装两匹马,有一队兽医和饲养员同行,他们负责照顾马匹,并努力让马匹保持冷静。公马在飞机前部飞行,这样它们就不会被母马分心。和人一样,马也需要护照。

Note:Stallion 公马,种马



