大陆赛马网 > 赛事展会 > 最新赛事 > 第四届中国兽医大会之马兽医技术培训专


2013-10-27 13:55:56 来源:中国马业协会







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E-mail: chia@chinahorse.org










二、授课讲师简介 (排名不分先后)

Dr. Chris Riggs


Chris studied veterinary science at the University of Bristol, UK in the early eighties. He then received further training in equine surgery at the Royal Veterinary College, London, UK and was awarded a PhD for research into causes of racehorse fractures in 1991. He has worked at several equine clinical centres, including the University of Liverpool, one of the largest equine referral hospitals in the UK and Oakey Veterinary Hospital, a well-established equine hospital in Eastern Australia. He was appointed Head of Veterinary Clinical Services at the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 2003.

Chris is particularly interested and has specialist qualifications in surgery and orthopaedics and has research interests in fatigue of bone and its role in racehorse fractures. He has made numerous presentations on these and other related topics at international meetings around the world and has contributed to over forty peer-reviewed papers in scientific publications. His greatest professional achievement to date was to oversee the safe competition of all horses that competed in the equestrian events of the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games, for which he was Veterinary Services Manager.

Dr. Frank Low


Frank was born in Hong Kong and moved to Queensland, Australia for schooling. During this time grew up gaining animal experience working with stock horses, cattle and domestic animals. This lead to his passion of veterinary science and animal welfare. He undertook a Veterinary Science degree and graduated with honors from The University of Queensland in 2000. After graduation he began work in South West Queensland predominantly with equestrian sports and thoroughbred breeding. Frank then spent 6 years working in England with sport horses before obtaining his Australian Veterinary Membership in Equine Medicine. In 2009, He joined the equestrian veterinary team at the Hong Kong Jockey Club. His main roles are to facilitate the treatment and rehabilitation of retired thoroughbreds for the Jockey Club as well as provide veterinary support to the Hong Kong Equestrian Federation.

Dr. Kate Savage

BVSc (Hons), MS, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM

Kate is an equine internal medicine specialist and is especially interested in cardiac and respiratory diseases. She enjoys working with sporthorses and improving their health, competitive viability and welfare in competition. She worked as an equine internal medicine specialist for all teams at the Beijing Olympics, which were held in Hong Kong. Kate also has a great interest in the welfare of all equids and is the Oceanic board member of the World Equine Veterinary Association (WEVA) and the programme chair for the biennial WEVA congress to be held this year (2013) in Budapest, Hungary.

Dr. Gordon Sidlow


Gordon qualified from Glasgow in 1984. After 12 years in large animal practice in the UK he joined HKJC in 1996 as their first Equestrian Vet. In the following 13 years he was responsible for the veterinary care for roughly 500 riding school horses in Hong Kong as well as for the export of more than 800 retired racehorses for equestrian use in China. Gordon has been closely involved with the training of Chinese equine veterinary surgeons and has continued to visit Chinese stables since leaving full-time employment with the Club in 2009. He currently runs the equine side of a veterinary practice in South West England and continues to spend around 10 weeks each year in China. He worked in the veterinary clinic at the Beijing Olympics in Hong Kong and has acted as Foreign Veterinary Delegate at both the All China National Games and the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. Many years working with retired racehorses has left Gordon with a keen interest in the care and management of horses with chronic sporting injuries.

Dr. Peter Huntington

BVSc (Hons), MACVSc

Dr Peter Huntington is a University of Melbourne graduate with over 30 years experience as an equine vet, and over 20 years working in the field of equine nutrition. He has travelled widely throughout Asia giving equine nutrition and feeding advice and has lectured on horse feeding in over 15 countries. He is the author of many scientific and horse owner publications on equine health and nutrition and this includes the popular book Horse Sense- The Australian Guide to Horse Care. He is a past president and editor of Equine Veterinarians Australia. His company, Kentucky Equine Research is one of the global leaders in Equine Nutrition.

Dr. Kathrine Davis


Kathrine graduated from Murdoch University, West Australia with a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in 1985. She immigrated to the United States and with further study achieved her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. She practiced in California, Oregon and Idaho, USA, where she maintains her professional licenses to date. Her former practice in the USA encompassed Western medicine and surgery, Eastern treatment modalities and nutrition to treat and enhance performance in horses. Her approach to creating wellness (versus fighting disease) has shaped her twenty years of experience in equine medicine.

Dr.K’s interest in horses began early; she was riding as a 4 year old child and developed a passion for horses which led to a career in veterinary medicine and developing a breeding farm of purebred European Warmblood horses. She is also an FEI Accredited veterinarian. Her experience within the horse industry and veterinary practice has expanded over the last twenty-seven years and encompasses international business and consultancy work within the Chinese horse world.

Dr.K is passionate about passing on her knowledge by educating horse professionals, veterinarians and owners. Her specialty is Equine Nutrition and she has visited equestrian centers in China where her focus is to improve feeds and feeding practices. She is currently learning Mandarin to better assist people interested in learning about equine topics. She also has a Chinese language website (www.horsexinwen.co.nz) . She also writes on equine veterinary topics for “China Horsemanship” and “China Equestrian and Horse Racing” magazines.


男,蒙古族,1956年12月生,内蒙古呼和浩特市土左旗人,中共党员,教授,博士生导师。1982年毕业于内蒙古农牧学院兽医系,同年留校任教。2003年晋升为教授。2003年至2011年任内蒙古农业大学兽医学院临床系主任、临床学科主任、动物医院院长等职。现任临床学科主任。长期从事兽医外科学的教学、科研及生产服务工作。兽医外科学、马牛肢蹄病学、小动物疾病学、濒危野生动物寄生虫病学等,在国内外核心学术期刊上发表论文120余篇。曾主持国家自然科学基金课题4项,教育部博点基金1项,教育部春晖计划项目1项,内蒙古科技厅项目3项,呼和浩特市科技局课题2项,内蒙教育厅课题1项,内蒙古农业大学与中国农业大学合作项目1项。《马场兽医手册》、《实用猪病手册》、《家畜外科学实验指导》、《家畜外科手术学实习指导》等。内蒙古自治区科技进步一等奖两项、内蒙古自治区教学成果二等奖;内蒙古自治区有突出贡献的中青年专家、内蒙古自治区新世纪“321人才工程” 第一层人选等。中国畜牧兽医学会外科学分会副理事长、中国兽医协会动物诊疗分会副会长(马病负责人)、中国兽医协会宠物诊疗分会副会长。






副教授,男,蒙古族,2001年7月毕业于内蒙古农业大学动物科学与医学学院。同年在内蒙古农业大学动物科学与医学学院攻读临床兽医学硕士学位,2004年7月毕业获得硕士学位并留校任教,2008年9月考入中国农业大学攻读临床兽医学博士学位,2011年7月获得博士学位,2012年晋升为副教授,主要从事兽医临床诊断学的教学和研究工作。现任中国畜牧兽医学会家畜内科学分会常务理事。主持内蒙古自然科学基金1项,参加在研国家自然科学基金2项。参编面向二十一世纪课程教材《动物疾病诊断学》(第二版)、《犬猫疾病学》(第三版)2部和《兽医大辞典》专著1部,在国内外期刊发表科技论文10多篇,其中SCI收录4篇。先后主讲《兽医临床诊断学》、《兽医学》等本科生课程,为研究生主讲《兽医影像学》。2007年获得内蒙古农业大学第四届青年教工课堂技能大赛一等奖,作为大会兽医参加北京第29届奥林匹克运动会现代五项马术比赛的兽医服务工作,2012年11月赴英国利物浦大学兽医学院Philip Leverhulme马医院学习马兽医麻醉和影像诊断技术,留校以来一直在内蒙古农业大学教学动物医院从事兽医临床诊疗工作。


